Saturday, February 17, 2007

Weddings, Weddings, Weddings...

Lots of stuff's been going on. Minesh got hitched...God help him. Then a few days after we had a double dose of wedding anniversaries prior to love birds day.

The first was at my cousin-in-law's farm house, and I was surprised. Not surprised by the decorations, the dance floor, the dancers for Bollywood film songs, or my impromptu dancing. I was surprised be the newly built buildings because it's been only about a year or two since I was at the farm house. All of a sudden there a buildings that sell steel rods, saris and other goods. What's also surprising is that the buildings look like they've been up there since the mid-80's. There's quite a bit of dust now. It's before the monsoon, which means we're in the dry season. That dust seems to really make some buildings look a bit weathered. What they need around here is more trees and grass.

The second was much smaller, 50 people whereas the first had about 100, and was held at a resort of sorts. It was really nice, very green, lots of green ... yeah.. even the signs were green. We spent the night there, and during the festivities I was dancing like a fool again. While fun, I think I impressed quite a few aunties to go searching for a wife for me.

Yes... people are trying to get me setup, or at least make me consider getting married soon. I have a three year plan, dammit! I'm gonna try to get a place of my own by then! That's my usual response, which I deliver in a usually laughable manner. But seriously...I have a plan. More like goal, but if I say goal then they just say add another goal to my list within the three years.

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