Saturday, February 3, 2007

India week 1

Well, I suppose a week hasn't passed yet, but I can say that not everything has been pleasant. Couple nights ago I had a fever of 103 degrees, and after taking antibiotics and stuff I've come down to normal. My eldest cousin is a nice guy, but he's being a little pushy.

Other than that, things should pick up. Have to get ready for my friend's wedding in a couple days. All the while trying to avoid getting setup myself. I should probably take some pills to deal with malaria and such as I'll be heading out to more rural areas soon, where there may be mosquitoes. Fortunately out here in Hyderbad, I haven't seen many. I actually got sick because my nephew was coughing directly on my face several times while I held him up. Yeah, I got sick from a kid, but traveling to the other side of the world doesn't do too well on your immune system. Nor does visiting a foreign land in general help.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sorry Arun, I still think you picked a good time to be away. It's not supposed to return to above 0ยบ windchill until next wednesday in Chicago.
