Saturday, March 3, 2007

What it's March?

Wow. It's been a couple weeks, already March. I came back several days ago from Puttaparthi, abode of Sri Sathya Sai Baba, and I was definitely quite happy with the trip. I was even able to deal with the hot midday's sun. It's starting to get quite warm here, highs of about 93 degrees Fahrenheit in Hyderbad.

A couple days from now I'm going to fly out to Delhi and spend a couple days with Minesh. On the 8th, I'll be flying back home. I think I should arrive around the night of the 9th. I'm quite excited to get back, and start working as I felt like I've been too lazy around here. There's some servants here and I can't really drive on the streets. Plus, I would get lost pretty easily, and public transportation sucks. I don't like the dust that gets kicked up so I'm also not fond of riding on an auto-rickshaw. Fortunately, my cousin's take me out in the evenings every so often, but that still left the days.

One of my cousin's married a girl from the Delhi area, and her younger brother runs an expedition like service. I've seen videos of him riding his motorcycle to some remote places, and it looks really fun. I'm tempted to come back in a couple years to go on one of those excursions.

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