Sunday, January 21, 2007

Day with Dad 2...

Wow... what a long day. I got up at 7am so that my dad and I would have enough time to get ready and pick up my friends from work. I think he was still confused with the time zone difference and was still groggy, which surprised me because Chicago is 2 hours ahead.

My father, two friends and I left for Monterey Aquarium in Monterey, CA. It took about an hour and a half to get there, plus we parked a little walk away from the aquarium. It was nice, and a good change of scenery for my dad. While Santa Clara & San Jose county is nice, it's still a giant suburb like Naperville, IL. Monterey is by the coast. We got there in time to see live penguin feeding, and then we went to the other side of the aquarium and saw the live fish feeding. If you've never seen tuna in real life, let me tell you... they can get FREAKIN' HUGE! There were tuna in there that were purportedly more than 400 lbs! Can you imagine how many cans that tuna would be turned into! It's amazing. What's also amazing is the Sunfish. This weird, slow as fish that in the wild eat slow ass jellyfish. Speaking of jellyfish, there were many tanks of them and the lighting was such that they expected people to be taking pictures to be the new desktop wallpaper of the month.

After the aquarium we searched around for a sports bar, but we eventually just got too hungry and went into a restaurant by the shore. Fortunately there was a t.v. in there, and we started to watch the Bears' play the NFC championship. And they kicked ass. Sorry New Orleans.

Following the feast, we took our time getting to Santa Cruz, and the nice beach they have. There was also a great sunset. Eventually we started to head home, and made a stop by to visit a family friend that was moving out to Texas. Now, I'm home and I'm exhausted. It's time to go to sleep... today Monterey... tomorrow San Francisco. I'm actually not looking forward to it. I don't know why, I'm just not.

Great, my dad is snoring.

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