Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Probably should have introduced myself

Greeting and salutations. I'm Ryan. Arun and I met at UIC. We made a webcomic called Oddballs for a few months a few years ago. I just moved my website ( to GoDaddy and haven't gotten a chance to reupload Oddballs so...I can't link to it. I thought it had promise. But we were both to busy so it kinda faded away. I had some guest artists draw a few of my panels (including myself. stick figures! yikes.) but it was too hard.

ANYWAY, Arun invited me to post on his blog and so I have. Not sure if I supposed to fit a theme but that previous post was my latest "bit" that I've been mulling over in my head for a few days. There it is in the flesh. Yes I aspire to be a stand-up comedian. I've even graduated from the Second City writing program. But, alas, being a Network Administrator pays slightly more. Maybe someday.

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